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caregiver support, how to help, national family caregivers month, selfcare, stay aware, support your feet, support yourself, wellnessjourney -

Let’s honor caregivers by supporting their needs, raising awareness of their contributions, and ensuring they are cared for just as they care for others.

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#breastcancerawareness, #breastselfexam, #stayaware, #StepConfidently, livelonger, wellnessjourney -

Emotionally, the journey has been a rollercoaster. Initially, I struggled with the thought that my breasts were no longer “mine.” But over time, I learned to appreciate my body’s resilience. Living with the fear of cancer while hoping it won’t return has changed me. 

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anywherewellness, californialifestyle, caliwellness, embracehealth, healthyhabits, healthyliving, lifestylegoals, livelonger, wellnessanywhere, wellnessjourney -

  Californian's Live Longer. Federal data suggests that during the 21st Century, California life expectancy rose to the very top of the 50 states.  Only Hawaiian Kupuna's live longer; the average life expectancy in the Island Nation is 80.7 years.  Californians Live to an average of 79 in Los Angeles and the Bay Area, while Northern California, Marin County, residents enjoy the states longest life expectancy of 83 years.   You don't have to spend your whole life in California to gain this benefit.  Joe Mathews of the San Francisco Chronicle writes that the fact that the State is wealthier and more...

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